Adult Community
Our relationships are how we get through life. We need them, even when it’s inconvenient. We want our relationships to be a blessing in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Our relationships should be a GIFT for others, and from God.
Ladies’ Fellowship: Build relationships with other moms, grandmothers, and ladies for encouragement and growth.
Worship Arts: Share your technical and musical talents through media and music, playing, singing, and directing media productions.
Grief Share: Find help and healing after losing a loved one. Provide for the needs of those who have lost a family member through meals and paper goods.
Food Bank: Provide for local seniors and families in need of groceries through giving to and serving at our local food bank.
CORE Community: Support our local CORE group through meals, service, and encouragement.
Missions: Connect with churches and ministries in 167 different countries to support schools, hospitals, and care centers putting Jesus on display.
Community Care: Support our local teachers, law enforcement, and other public servants through gifts, meals, and service projects.